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module 2 Assignment 4

Module 2 Assignment 4

Q Miriam Marlowe’s husband purchased a life insurance policy on his own life, naming his wife as the beneficiary. Three years later, after Marlowe’s husband died in a swimming accident, Marlowe received payment on the life insurance policy. Marlowe later met John Walton, a friend of a friend. He convinced Marlowe and her representative that he had a friend who worked for the State Department and had access to gold in Brazil and that the gold could be purchased in Brazil for $100 an ounce and sold in the United States for $300 an ounce. Walton convinced Miriam to invest $25,000. Instead of investing the money in gold in Brazil, Walton opened an account at Tracy Collins Bank in the name of Jeffrey McIntyre Roberts and deposited Miriam’s money in the account. He later withdrew the money in cash. What crime has Walton committed? State of Utah v. Roberts, 711 P.2d 235, Web 1985 Utah Lexis 872 (Supreme Court of Utah)

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The issue that is mainly concerned with the case is whether John Walton is guilty of crime onto the context of the case or it really does not. In context to the case, the trial court did finally declare that John Walton was actually guilty of deception as per the section 401 (5) (e). It is just because of this, that John Walton was considered guilty of second degree felony. The court finally declared in context to the scenario that John Walton actually did make some concerted effort for gathering Miriam Marlowe’s money without not having the intention to put forth the money into some kind of gold investment of Brazil ("Criminal Fraud - Weisberg Kainen Mark, PL", 2019). In context to the case, John Walton finally made an appeal into the higher court wherein the cour